
Pet ultrasounds are a safe and commonly used way of imaging the inside of dogs, cats and other pets. They’re a non-invasive method of imaging, which uses sound waves to help vets visualize a pet’s internal organs and diagnose conditions such as those affecting the heart, liver, kidneys and bladder.
Ultrasounds look at a pet’s organs and allow veterinarians to locate, assess, and diagnose pregnancy, tumors, urinary stones, or other internal events. Ultrasounds can pick up information better than x-rays depending on what your veterinarian suspects is the cause of illness. Ultrasounds can also assist veterinarians in discovering cancer, bladder stones, obtaining sterile urine, and so much more.
Veterinarians will advise owners to limit their dogs’ access to solid food 12 hours before the US procedure in order to reduce gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves visualization of organs.
Anesthesia is not usually needed for most ultrasound examinations, unless biopsies are to be taken. The technique is totally painless and most dogs will lay comfortably while the scan is being performed. Occasionally, if the dog is very frightened or fractious, a sedative may be necessary
Abdominal ultrasound is not entirely unlike the belly ultrasound that a pregnant woman may receive. Your pet will be lying on their back in a soft padded trough. They will be gently restrained by our caring staff while the doctor scans their belly with the probe. They will likely need to have their fur clipped.
The ultrasound itself takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes in most cases.

Ultrasound imaging, involves exposing parts of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound exams do not expose the patient to radiation, and are used to visualize body parts in real-time.

What is an AFAST Ultrasound?
The focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) ultrasound is a 2-3 minute non- invasive procedure that detects the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity to allow for rapid therapeutic intervention, this includes the 4 quadrants of the abdomen. (e.g., fluid resuscitation, abdominocentesis, cytology, clinicopathologic testing)

What is the difference between an AFAST Ultrasound and an Ultrasound performed by a Board Certified Internal Medicine Ultrasonographer?
While an AFAST US is great for finding immediate concerns, an ultrasound performed by a Board Certified Internist is also a non-invasive imaging technique that allows your vet to see a pet’s internal organs and structure. An internal medicine ultrasound can help identify the location, size, and shape of a mass, swelling, or pain in your dog’s abdomen and can help evaluate your dog for a variety of other health issues, such as chronic infections, kidney problems, or urinary tract abnormalities. This can help your veterinarian determine the next steps, such as surgery, biopsy, or continued monitoring.

Ultrasounds look at a pet’s organs and allow veterinarians to locate, assess, and diagnose pregnancy, tumors, blockages, or other internal events. Ultrasounds can pick up information better than x-rays in certain situations.
Most of the time animals will allow us to complete their ultrasound without any sedation
The ultrasound probe needs to make clean contact with the skin so your pet’s fur will need to be shaved

Side effects of ultrasound in pets are rare. However, possible side effects could include minor discomfort during the procedure or a temporary skin irritation.


Pet ultrasounds are a safe and commonly used way of imaging the inside of dogs, cats and other pets. They’re a non-invasive method of imaging, which uses sound waves to help vets visualize a pet’s internal organs and diagnose conditions such as those affecting the heart, liver, kidneys and bladder.
Ultrasounds look at a pet’s organs and allow veterinarians to locate, assess, and diagnose pregnancy, tumors, urinary stones, or other internal events. Ultrasounds can pick up information better than x-rays depending on what your veterinarian suspects is the cause of illness. Ultrasounds can also assist veterinarians in discovering cancer, bladder stones, obtaining sterile urine, and so much more.
Veterinarians will advise owners to limit their dogs’ access to solid food 12 hours before the US procedure in order to reduce gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves visualization of organs.
Anesthesia is not usually needed for most ultrasound examinations, unless biopsies are to be taken. The technique is totally painless and most dogs will lay comfortably while the scan is being performed. Occasionally, if the dog is very frightened or fractious, a sedative may be necessary
Abdominal ultrasound is not entirely unlike the belly ultrasound that a pregnant woman may receive. Your pet will be lying on their back in a soft padded trough. They will be gently restrained by our caring staff while the doctor scans their belly with the probe. They will likely need to have their fur clipped.
The ultrasound itself takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes in most cases.

Ultrasound imaging, involves exposing parts of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound exams do not expose the patient to radiation, and are used to visualize body parts in real-time.

What is an AFAST Ultrasound?
The focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) ultrasound is a 2-3 minute non- invasive procedure that detects the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity to allow for rapid therapeutic intervention, this includes the 4 quadrants of the abdomen. (e.g., fluid resuscitation, abdominocentesis, cytology, clinicopathologic testing)

What is the difference between an AFAST Ultrasound and an Ultrasound performed by a Board Certified Internal Medicine Ultrasonographer?
While an AFAST US is great for finding immediate concerns, an ultrasound performed by a Board Certified Internist is also a non-invasive imaging technique that allows your vet to see a pet’s internal organs and structure. An internal medicine ultrasound can help identify the location, size, and shape of a mass, swelling, or pain in your dog’s abdomen and can help evaluate your dog for a variety of other health issues, such as chronic infections, kidney problems, or urinary tract abnormalities. This can help your veterinarian determine the next steps, such as surgery, biopsy, or continued monitoring.

Ultrasounds look at a pet’s organs and allow veterinarians to locate, assess, and diagnose pregnancy, tumors, blockages, or other internal events. Ultrasounds can pick up information better than x-rays in certain situations.
Most of the time animals will allow us to complete their ultrasound without any sedation
The ultrasound probe needs to make clean contact with the skin so your pet’s fur will need to be shaved

Side effects of ultrasound in pets are rare. However, possible side effects could include minor discomfort during the procedure or a temporary skin irritation.